Description: The Major Thoroughfare Plan is a land acquisition Document that identifies and designates the location and right-of-ways for certain roadways within San Antonio and it's extra-territorial jurisdiction in order to assure that adequate right- of-ways are acquired through the development process as development occurs.
Copyright Text: City of San Antonio Open Data Portal: Last update check: June 2022
(as needed, upon request)
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 11 Font Family: Highway Gothic Narrow Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Color: [190, 255, 232, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: The Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) is the unincorporated land within five miles of the City of San Antonio (and other incorporated cities) boundaries and includes all unincorporated territory that is not located in another city’s municipal boundary or ETJ. It is the area in which the City of San Antonio (and other incorporated cities) is/are the only authorized entity able to annex land. The ETJ enables the city to extend regulations to adjacent land where development can affect the quality of life within the city. ETJ regulations help to ensure that subdivisions that may be annexed in the future meet certain minimum standards. The claim to be effective in the external territory (except by the exercise of force) must be agreed with the legal authority in the external territory, or with a legal authority which covers both territories. When qualfied, ETJ usually refers to such as agreed jurisdiction, or it will be called "claimed ETJ".Note from City of San Antonio Open Data Portal: This is a graphical polygon dataset depicting the polygon boundaries of Cities within Bexar County Texas and Surrounding Counties. (excluding San Antonio)Updated per Ordinance No. 564, No. 565, and No. 567 on April 9, 2015 extending the Helotes City limits with the annexation of four parcels of vacant property known as Bricewood Subdivision. Updated previously per Resolution No 2012-007-R From the City of Somerset .Updated per ordinance 2014-09-04-0657 (Savano Park ETJ ONLY release)Updated per ordinance 2014-09-04-0658 (Live Oak City Limit release)Updated per ordinance 2014-08-21-0614 (Fair Oaks Ranch ETJ ONLY release.
Copyright Text: City of San Antonio (Data as of November 2019): [ETJ COSA and ETJ Other Cities].
BCIT GIS manually added ETJ released to Converse from CoSA (Ordinance 2020-03-05-0170).
Last update: September 2020
Last update check: January 2021
Next update check: March 2021
(updates quarterly or as needed)
Description: Incorporated City and Unincorporated Area Boundaries.**Please note that Fort Sam Houston is within the city limits of San Antonio, but is shown here as a distinct entity for cartegraphic and reference purposes.
Copyright Text: Bexar County GIS Group (, based on data from the City of San Antonio and Bexar County Public Works
Last update: May 2024 (Somerset and Schertz updates via Juan Ochoa of Public Works). CoSA Southside annexation from 1/18/24 is still pending litigation and has not been added here.
Next update check: May 2024
(updates quarterly for boundaries; updates as needed otherwise)
Description: This is a graphical polygon dataset depicting the polygon boundaries of the City of San Antonio
Copyright Text: Planning and Community Development Department, Comprehensive Division Updated per Ordinance 2015-01-15-0020, Boundary Adjustment of approx. 1,906.12 Acres (Government Cayon) Updated per Ordinance 2014-11-06-0861, Boundary Adjustment of approx. 36.266 Acres. Updated per Ordinance 2014-09-04-0658 Boundary Adjustment of approx. 1.73 Acres from the City of Live Oak to the City of San Antonio. Updated per Ordinance 2014-09-04-0657 Boundary Adjustment of approx. 31.81 acres from the City of Shavano park to the City of San Antonio and approx. 6.24 acres from the City of San Antonio to Shavano Park, Updated per Ordinance 2016-10-06-0770KirbyAdjustment; Full Purpose Annexation per Ordinance 2016-11-10-0881, of 19.62 Sq Miles, from South San Antonio Annexation Area 1-4, Full Purpose Voluntary Annexation per Ordinance 2016-11-10-0883, of 388.90 Acres, Full Purpose Annexation per Ordinance 2016-11-10-0882, of 36.266 acres, from FMC Technologies Tract.