Description: SPECIFIC NOTES:ESD7: Two portions of unincoporated county are considered part of the response area, but are not included within ESD per legal description.ESD8: Northern boundary of Grey Forest requires review (is it CoSA error, or BCAD error, etc).ESD4: Fair Oaks Ranch annexations (and new juris line) are not present in CoSA jurisdiction layer. Inquired with Frank Young regarding boundary update.ESD3: A third area above Camp Bullis is outlined in the legal description, but is not included in reponse area.ESD6: Legal border along river follows juris and parcel lines where possible, USGS/Comm Precinct lines otherwise.ESD10: SAFD ESN response area around Lake Calaveras is excluded from ESD territory, per legal description.ESD1 / ESD10: There is a gap of several hundred feet between legal description boundaries (cuts through San Antonio Army Retirement Center).ESD1 / ESD11: There is a gap of several hundred feet between legal descriptions boundaries. GENERAL NOTES: - For ESD1 / ESD10 and ESD1 / ESD11 boundary discrepancies, should the original/first ESD boundary be honored? Also, current response area boundaries deviated from the legal descriptions. SH verified with ESD personnel whether land swapping occured between ESDs - it did not.- Legal descriptions often dictate that boundaries follow along street centerlines AND local juris lines at the same time. Juris lines rarely follow street centerlines; rather, they tend to follow right-of-ways instead (the care of the street is not divided down the middle). Verified through recent CoSA annexation documentation, where available. Therefore, when tracing, juris line street right-of-ways were honored first, street centerlines second. Note that right-of-ways often followed along BCAD parcel boundaries.
Description: SPECIFIC NOTES:ESD7: Two portions of unincoporated county are considered part of the response area, but are not included within ESD per legal description.ESD8: Northern boundary of Grey Forest requires review (is it CoSA error, or BCAD error, etc).ESD4: Fair Oaks Ranch annexations (and new juris line) are not present in CoSA jurisdiction layer. Inquired with Frank Young regarding boundary update. RESOLVED. CoSA corrected Fair Oaks boundary.ESD3: A third area above Camp Bullis is outlined in the legal description, but is not included in reponse area.ESD6: Legal border along river follows juris and parcel lines where possible, USGS/Comm Precinct lines otherwise.ESD10: SAFD ESN response area around Lake Calaveras is excluded from ESD territory, per legal description.ESD1 / ESD10: There is a gap of several hundred feet between legal description boundaries (cuts through San Antonio Army Retirement Center).ESD1 / ESD11: There is a gap of several hundred feet between legal descriptions boundaries. GENERAL NOTES: - For ESD1 / ESD10 and ESD1 / ESD11 boundary discrepancies, should the original/first ESD boundary be honored? Also, current response area boundaries deviated from the legal descriptions. SH verified with ESD personnel whether land swapping occured between ESDs - it did not.- Legal descriptions often dictate that boundaries follow along street centerlines AND local juris lines at the same time. Juris lines rarely follow street centerlines; rather, they tend to follow right-of-ways instead (the care of the street is not divided down the middle). Verified through recent CoSA annexation documentation, where available. Therefore, when tracing, juris line street right-of-ways were honored first, street centerlines second. Note that right-of-ways often followed along BCAD parcel boundaries.****ESD 9 created by BCIT GIS November 2021
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Last update: March 2022
Next update check: July 2021
(updates quarterly or as needed)