{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "Single repository of community information on Bexar County: Political, administrative, first response, education, etc.Categories: Community, County, Elections, Federal/State, Public Safety, Water and Other.COMMUNITY: Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees, Appraisal Districts, Incorporated Cities Council Members/Mayors, Historic Districts, Independent School Districts, and San Antonio Neighborhood Associations, COUNTY: Commissioners, County Clerk, County Judges, District Attorney, District Clerk, Sheriff and Tax Assessor-Collector.ELECTIONS: Elections Administrator and Voter Precincts.FEDERAL/STATE: Governor, State Representatives, State Senators, U. S. Congress Representatives and U. S. Senators.PUBLIC SAFETY: Constables, Fire Departments, Justices of the Peace and Police/Sheriff.WATER: Edwards Aquifer Zones, Floodplains (100 Year) and Watersheds.OTHER: Animal Control and Residential Solid Waste.", "summary": "", "title": "Other", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Multiple sources.\nDesigned, created and mantained by:\nBexar County GIS Group (gis@bexar.org)\n\nLast update by Category:\nCommunity (March 6, 2017)\nCounty (January 2017)\nElections (January 2017)\nFederal/State (February 2017)\nOther (March 7, 2017)\nPublic Safety (March 8, 2017)\nWater (March 7, 2017)", "licenseInfo": "" }